
Sold! If this idea gets picked up you can expect a big check in your mailbox.

I think we’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hated Peter Dinklage. Maybe Sandler is counting on that for the movie’s success?

Yes. I love this. Although it might be even weirder since my Mexican last name would probably be an unusual contrast to the name of an ancient Greek.

I just changed my mind on kids. I want to have one now and name it Ulysses. Even if it’s a girl. Maybe I’d even go a step further and have a little Odysseus.

Wait am I ungreyed now? I have seriously no clue how all that biz works.

Can I call Midwest?

I think he favors fall and winter. Let’s not go during the Mothman festival, though. He would probably be too nervous and/or embarrassed to put in an appearance.

This explanation of him is perfect. And I’m gonna delegate navigation to my friend who used to live in that area. He can come, too, right? I’ll drive. We can take turns with radio station selection.

Or what about Mothman? I always imagine him as well-meaning but clumsy. Like he totally just wanted to take a rest from flying. He didn’t know the Silver Bridge wouldn’t support his weight in addition to all those cars.

But she is so cute!

“I once forgot I pooped...” Misreading that into a story about purse-related mishaps was very unexpected. Your story totally sounds less bad by comparison, if that helps.

Curse you, Guillermo del Toro and Mike Mignola! How dare you use your excellent storytelling and engaging world-building to trick me into owning a movie featuring Seth MacFarlane and his frakking terrible mockery of a German accent.

I’m glad I’m not the only one with automatic distaste for him. When I finally saw the second Hellboy movie after a long wait, seeing his name in the opening credits was so disappointing. Doubly so because he was voicing a character I normally really enjoy.

I love all of those nicknames. My mom calls me “Bec” and my bestie sometimes calls me “alternative musician Beck” as a joke about that.

Another Becca! Tell me, do you also hate being called “Becky"?

I opened this article just because I was very interested to see your jokes on this topic. You did not disappoint.

Oddly, I think my parents who manage rental properties would say that housing discrimination should be legal, but not for the reason you’re probably thinking: if there are multiple applicants for one space, they are very biased toward Mexican-American immigrants. Clearly this proves that rereverse racism exists.

My dad would probably be into this, since he’s a history nerd and is also very fuck the police. So thanks!

Tenniel draws really cool so thanks for telling me that is a thing. I need to see these cartoons.

Hopefully I can save everyone the trouble and horror of looking this up. Well, mostly the trouble because it’s still pretty weird.