
Yeah I talk about him all the time, and my bestie still laughs. We’ve been friends for 10 years. Also last night he laughed at “Octavia Buttler.”

Yeah that sounds weird and awesome. And I could use one of the R. Crumb drawings of him!

Negative sixteen months? So it like hasn’t even been conceived yet?

Is this really a thing you want? If so, I must know all about it. Also, I totally want a shirt that says “I [heart] Dick” because my sense of humor is bad. Any ideas on how to make sure the shirt indicates Phil Dick? All I’ve been able to think of is just putting “Philip K.” above Dick in smallish text.

Republicans love them some revisionist history, so my first thought was that he was a Bull Moose and they decided to claim Teddy Roosevelt again.

Yeah I’d say I don’t fault him for not showing the nudes around. I’m glad he kept them. I wonder now if when my dad dies a million years from now (hopefully) I’ll find something weird and awesome and previously unknown. One time he was giving shoes to the Goodwill and my sister accidentally found out they were full of

Maybe someone should solicit money for the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. And 0.010% could go to putting pictures of her brother’s victims at the church where she has the wedding or something to remind her that this happened LIKE TWO FRAKKING WEEKS AGO.

And better PR.

Okay that’s pretty awesome. Your dad was a boss at shading.

The only reason I even knew that remastering to widescreen was a thing and it made some shots so horrible was because my brother has been showing me Angel.

So it really is like this?

You should post each of these stories more than once so I can star them multiple times. They deserve no less.

That’s pretty frakking adorable. It’s like a dadding tag team.

My dad would flip for those planes. He doesn’t do anything like that, but any time someone is making something he wants to know all about it.

That is really really sweet. Also, the way you talk about your dad feels like how I talk about my dad (who, coincidentally, also used to develop his own photographs). If time and space were right for it, I’d be setting up a dad date where they’d hang out and dad it up.

Why is Dolly’s beautiful voice saying those horrible words?

Whatever. Her point is that even though she didn’t want to get pregnant just yet, she meant to get pregnant eventually, so this baby was planned for in the broadest of senses.

I was wondering about the rounding up. I’m 5’ 4.5.” Sometimes people demand I list my height in whole numbers.

I already think your dad is awesome. That is one Hell of a hobby.

Great, thanks. Now I can be bothered by something I hadn’t noticed. Although I guess maybe they don’t count because of their freedom of movement?