
Good Gods no. The fact that the other one was called The Host really missed me off. It’s like “great now people will confuse the two in conversation AND my shelf became embarrassing.” It’s like now any time someone wants to browse my movies I feel like I need to be all “that one is not the American movie of the same

Unrelated to the article, but I was reading this recently, and I think you might be interested if you’re at all into movie costume design. It’s a nice piece (with lots of awesome sketches, stills, and photos) about Edith Head. It features some of her work from All About Eve.

I thought the same thing, and I wonder if that might have been on purpose since Snowpiercer was by fellow Korean awesome guy Bong Joon-ho. And if you haven’t seen his movie The Host it is awesome.

I think they’re adorable and refreshingly weird, but you have to admit that they can be unintentionally hilarious. Really, though, most teens would probably be just as unintentionally hilarious if they were being watched by so many people, but without Willow and Jaden’s total confidence in not caring if people don’t

Thank you! Also I thought you might be interested in the joke my bestie made when I told him a woman would be on the $10 and not the $20: “Obviously they should put them on a $15 instead of a $20, you know, since they’re still somehow making about 75 cents for every dollar a man is paid.”

Those penguin are so totally into whatever they’re doing and give no fucks. I love it.

That movie was not good overall. It should have been, though, because Tilda Swinton’s performance deserved a better movie.

I’m generally not that bothered by like gross monster stuff and like weird body horror stuff. However, I had a moment where I was like you and was freaked the frak out by an open fracture in The Descent. Oh god that the was so much worse than the being eaten by monsters thing.

Okay I’m gonna look this up. I thought I made it up. And I know I used it like 12 years ago (it’s weird that I remember this, but I bought dinner for my cousin and she was very offended that I would make this joke when obviously no-one would have any clue what I was talking about, but I think I thought that knowledge

I’ve also heard that the NAACP thought Colvin was too dark-skinned to garner white sympathy, and part of the reason they did pick Parks was for being pretty and light-skinned. Tubman, on the other hand, was a huge success in spite of (or maybe because of) ignoring any specific roles society demanded she adhere to

I thought she was a really perfect choice. Generally well-known and also important to American history. And, I mean, what a badass, right?

Yeah this is also terrible (albeit significantly less so) because it ruins my favorite joke. I pay with one or more $10 bills and I’m like “You might as well call me Aaron Burr with the way I’m dropping Hamiltons.” Then, if no-one laughs I’m all “Too soon?”

Not to completely miss the point, but damn if that snake isn’t adorable. I now know I can never go to Australia due to the high likelihood of dying from snakebite after trying to get a closer look at one of these cuties.

Actually I like that title better.

So I totally just saw you commenting elsewhere and realized your picture is Delirium. I need to tell you that’s awesome and that picture is adorable (it reminds me of how Jill Thompson drew her in that comic she did about Death and the former residents of hell).

Thank you so much for this insight. I was wondering about something similar to what you addressed, but there was no-one I knew well to ask about her experience with this.

I very much enjoy this. I am a millennial as well as a “snake person” (because snakes are my companion animal of choice, not because I look like the woman pictured below ).

But pigs are adorable and delightful. They really need better PR.

Yeah but like every big-budget science fiction movie these days is about saving the world or saving the galaxy. I miss small stories about people. Like, a lot. I think that’s probably why Mad Max is doing awesome and why I fell so in love with Ex Machina.

It doesn’t have to be a secret; Vin Diesel is undeniably foxy.