
I’ve read through the article like three times now, and I am confused about what Brewer was told and when, and what the actual claim of wrongdoing against The Atlantic is. I get that the ultimate wrong here is supposed to be that Brewer was (in addition to being misgendered) “outed without consent by a national

I wouldn’t really want to answer snarky questions at my job from someone obviously trolling me.

I guess I am just really bad at spotting extensions?  

Ummmm I appreciate the bare minimum effort to Journalist (Which Is Your Job), I guess

I feel the same way: though either way is fine if that is the way she wants it. This constant policing of how girls/women wish to present themselves is so tiresome.

Every time I see someone that has had plastic surgery, I always wonder “Do they think they don’t look like someone who’s had plastic surgery?”

I didn’t know who she was before this, and her music isn’t my type, so I can’t say I’m her fan, but by God, I will support her to the death over this pain! Poor baby! The worst is that I can believe she has been through all this misery and has to fight to get sympathy. It’s a fact of life for women that we have pain

An interesting world we live in, where a former waitress who works their way through college is elitist, and a second generation millionaire who lived in an actual tower of gold, is not.

Tangentially related - I am really looking forward some good analysis pieces on the grading scandal in the UK. Literally reducing the grades of poorer students through “standardisation” that gave rich, private school students an (additional) advantage - in a system where those test scores are basically the only

I don’t give a single fuck what Kevin Hart has to say about anything. Next.

What you are missing is that she didn’t criticize his choice of wife. She just pointed out the pattern of all of these wives being light. It’s not a flaw on the women’s part, nor a question of their blackness. What is being pointed out is the pattern of preference on the part of the rappers.
Let me also point out that

Many years ago I sat in on a seminar with a Feng-Shui expert. One of her central premises was that what Feng-Shui was really for was re-molding your life to remove all the bits of unneeded friction. She said she had trained formally and could go into the flows of energy and such, but that what she mostly did was tell

Black people didn’t create the dichotomy, it’s just another cultural symptom of the disease of racism. Light-skinned blacks got better and preferential treatment historically and the threads of that exist today because beauty norms still favor light-skin over dark skin. But it goes beyond beauty into every facet of

For a guy who has had his current level of fame for over two decades, he’s insanely thin-skinned. He’s been mad at an internet message board for criticizing something he did in 2002 (and rapped about it on College Dropout like it was something to brag about!) He used to spend entire days going after obvious bots and

Without context, I absolutely would have seen this as a conservative editorial comic, because complaints about “why can’t I go on a bar crawl with 60 of my closest friends but BLM protestors can congregate in groups” have been rampant from Republicans for months.  If you told me Ben Garrison had drawn it, I’d have

If you “have to explain this comic because everyone is getting it wrong”, you didn’t do it right. That said, her explanation was great.  She should do a comic that relays that message.
I don’t find it offensive and I assume the complaints came from either virtue signaling liberals or disingenuous conservatives.

this is so true!  i discovered a couple of years ago that the ratio of expense to replace something small but annoying to amount of relief/happiness gained is overwhelming to the happiness side. just taking small annoyances out of your day can lead to much peace of mind!

Eh, I can see both sides of the argument. At first glance it does seem like it is minimizing the BLM movement, and some of the cartoonist’s arguments (specifically the last ones) are reaching.

You keep saying “arbitrary” which just isn’ true. Arbitrary means a random choice or personal whim. Citizenship certainly isn’t *random* nor was it down to someone’s whim. You can argue against it as a requirement, but to claim it is arbitrary is silly.

“Somebody who has lived in Britain for twenty-five years is British, regardless of their papers.”