
I really love this trend of shows with an intentional time span. Crazy Exgirlfriend also had a specific plan, and it really added to the show’s ability to have a functional narrative arc.

‘Posit’ means “put forward as argument.” I am arguing that I think the evidence, once toxicology and other tests come back, will show a pesticide poisoning, probably from ill-trained workers who applied it in areas, at times, or in ways it was not intended. But also, this is what environmental laws are about and why

People are dying all over the world!!! Who can explain it???

Oooooooor the DR and Fiji cases aren’t linked. The DR cases point to respiratory failure with sudden collapses leading shortly to death. The Fiji cases appear to be prolonged (they had symptoms for 8 hours prior to getting medical attention) and with GI issues and numbness.

The case you linked was in the Dominican Republic, the one in the Jez article was in Fiji. Not the same hotel. Two different hotels, two different countries, 8000 miles apart.

If “Old Town Road” was released too early to be the song of the summer, how the hell is Juice up for contention? It was released in January.

A Love Letter to the Bay Area... that was filmed in Vancouver (in the screenshot above they’re on Pender Street in Vancouver). Except for covering the Canada Post boxes on the streets with USPS wrappers, they weren’t even trying to pretend like Vancouver was San Francisco — earlier, after they had dinner with Marcus’

Woooow you’ve never banged a high school friend in the backseat of a Corolla and it SHOWS

Discussed this with some of my romcom-loving friends, and the highest praise it got was "it wasn't very good". A few people thoroughly panned it even more. Still, it's nice to read a differing viewpoint. For me, the Keanu scene was worth the price of admission.

Maybe I was just in a bad mood when I watched this, but I did not see the chemistry or really understand why Wong and Park’s characters wanted to get together. I really liked the story of their childhood and early friendship.

What surprises me is that the book was a rewriting of her Oxford doctoral dissertation, which means this fundamental error, which undercuts the premise of her book, made it past her thesis advisor and her viva/doctoral defense.

Do the execs at Ann Taylor know? I’m thinking they might want to sue for trademark violation, considering they’ve been around a while. 

Not spelled that way it ain’t.

How old are you again, Lauren?

YouTube psychic Ant, who is a human psychic,

No one on YouTube is a professional.

I’ll say this: I’m 35, and the thought of waking up two years from now and finding myself in a high-profile social media makeup feud with a 19 year old boy feels like one of the more embarrassing directions my life could potentially take.

How is it not troubling that a 15-year-old child was at a Coachella house creating spon-con?  Doesn’t feel like the best place for a teen.  But maybe I  am just old.

It was an elegant sidestepping of the benign racist comment about whom the baby looks like. You could tell that Harry was very protective. 

They pushed Kate out there after like 3 hours. Those royals don’t fuck around.