Holy shit, I did not need to see that.
Holy shit, I did not need to see that.
Anybody who casts a vote in the Senate should be of sound mind and body. And in the best of health.
Looks like another American Horror Story. But regardless, I’m in! Aronofsky can do no wrong. And where is Jennifer Connelly????
Poor baby. Hope he survives this scandal.
Taylor Swift has a butt? Where??
Good thing he started this before his hotels and casinos were built. Idiot.
Get thousands of dollars worth of bad plastic surgery. Which she has.
Quit glorifying people who chop up animals. It’s not cool.
Wow. Just love the way people get attention for being a stupid asshole. Ignore, ignore, ignore.
His sons will handle.
If he did a crush video, no repercussions. He’s ours for the next 3 1/2 years. Unfortunately.
Don’t you have to be of sound mind and body to cast a vote in the Senate? is he in any condition to do so? And fuck him, you just know he’s going to side with the Trumptards. Supporting a man who called you a coward kinda makes it obvious you’re gonna support the dark side anyway.
Dictators pardon themselves all the time. Have at it, Drump!
Why does this keep happening? Aren’t these animals suppose to be protected? WTF kind of protection are they getting?
“Supreme Court did the WRONG thing! Bad!” And we get to live with shit like this for another three years.
Their race was irrelevant. Compelling characters are compelling characters regardless of what color they are. Romero was right. Jones was the right guy for the job. Also, if Romero had cast a black man to play Martin, I doubt I would have loved it any less.
This. I wouldn’t let him anywhere near an animal refuge. Unless it was to clean up the elephant poop.
Ice cream should not be healthy. That is all.
It’s all about Aquaphor.
That face . . . make it go away.