
Love those photos of Stefanik hiding under the desk during the, whatever they’re calling it. She looked so happy!!

Her A stands for Asshole.  That is all. 

And rape has been done away with in Texas, right?

Louisiana sends its finest. 

Annie Wilkes?  Nurse Ratchet??? 

And maybe Trump would have them fire-hosed off the stage. Let’s be real. The Orange Asshole would be 10 times worse. Quit making it a reality.

So what’s the hashtag going to be this year. Oscar so . . . something?

She’s a Jew.  Bet that’ll be popular with the Okies.

Hey Florida . . . do us a favor and PLEASE, don’t dump this asshole into the Senate, umkay? Like you did Rick Scott . . .

Looks like Selena is doing the old “ Look at me! I’m friends with the most popular girl in school!” nonsense.

Same thing happened here in my home/shit state of Louisiana.  Sighs. 

And these asshole own assault weapons . . . 

I’m sure glad Ted Bundy wasn’t aborted either.  Or Jefferey Dahmer. 

How about a monument to every single person lynched in Arkansas??  


She was also married to Kid Rock.  Speaks volumes . . . 

They’ll put her in just to put her in.  Since when do Repugs operate on common sense and logic when it comes to political candidates?  And MTG is gonna be in her position for a long long time. 

She’s an insufferable asshole.  Let the insults commence . . . 


5 years for arson? Wow. Yet another set of rules for certain people, right?