
A size F and you need MORE pronounced cleavage? Oh, bother.

Meh. Never saw it. Never will.


Oh, Pia!!!

Please quit dismissing this as a nothing more than bad teenage behavior. My asshole, it is. These girls planned to beat the shit out of this poor girl. The word is PLANNED. This wasn't just some random beat down because someone stepped on your shoes. They need to be punished accordingly.

Our politicians should all die in a fire.

So we went from Jindahl to this? Ugh. I want to move.

No she's not.

Just release about 100 grizzly bears into the area. All is solved!

This. Pretty obvious.

He's an idiot whose music sucks. Can't we just leave it simple as that?

How exactly is she still on Twitter for this crap? I thought they were, uh, cracking down on this type of behavior.

This. No need to drag up racism. Just stick with the basic stuff.

No fan of Zayn, but what the hell did he do to provoke this? She really is an asshole, isn’t she. And she managed to get herself banned from some British music festival so glad to see somebody is stepping up and telling her to fuck off.

This. I don't even know who the fuck she is. The only time she makes any kind of news is for shit like this.

Good. And thank God she toned down the tanning cream a bit.

Yes, this along with One Hand Clapping, and Tree Falling in the Woods. Eternal questions for which there is no logical answer.

She's got her kids. That's enough.

Damn. I gotta download John Wick.

Good Christ, what the hell happened to Lori Petty????????