Thanks for the head's up on that.
Thanks for the head's up on that.
No thanks! You can keep her.
cough Kim cough
Evangelical? Why is he supporting a man who is on his third wife?
What the ever loving fuck is on his arm?????
His hair is the only interesting thing about the worthless blowhard.
Then they get no sympathy.
Didn't Donna Summer do this already? She Works Hard for the Money??? Uh, anybody?
Can't wait to see Trump chowing down on watermelons during Black History Month. Or maybe he'll be gone by then. *sigh*
Don't drag E.T. into this mess. Please.
“Our family were business owners; my grandfather had a grocery business. ... One day a commissioner came into my grandfather’s building and said, ‘This is now property of the revolution.’ So my father, uncles, and grandfather just walked away. ... There was no point in any kind of resistance.”
Just Jezebel giving us the daily Kardashian bowel movement.
This. There is no such thing as a "compassionate" dictator.
I don't even think she knows she's in Cuba. She's dumb like that.
Well that certainly raises the bar a bit.
Can I leave the country and return in December?
Juan . . . shut the fuck up.
This. I’ve always gotten my wristband the day of the show at the entrance gate.
And in the process, we can all point and laugh at you.