
Uh, what? I don't see Audrey Hepburn at all. What the hell is Vogue smoking?

Oh, crap! I miss that too. Randy Marsh was not so psychotic after all.

I've never seen a single one of his films. Am I missing something?

Tobey Maguire - but he's not very nice.

She's a fucking idiot and an embarrassment to those of us who are vegan. Go the hell away already.

Uh, Trump? I'm still trying to understand that bullshit. I mean really, USA? WTF???

I'm team RiRi on this one. And I love the both of them, just not together.

Yep. Mr. Dicaprio is not aging well.


This x 1000. He's about 12 points ahead of Hillary in the latest polls. That's not much folks. We can only hope he crashes and burns during the next few months, but that's probably not going to happen.

It's like they are living on another planet or something. And does Trump know that 75% of the women in this country think he's an asshole????

When is the GOP gonna learn that women want much more substance from their female candidates. Just having a vagina won't cut it nowadays.

He's a disgusting human being. Can't we just leave it at that?

Perhaps the garlic and cheese will help them digest a bit better.

Just wondering if you bothered to read the above post? White Girls Only? Sounds kinda exclusionary to me.

Is Target maybe losing customers because of these idiots prowling the stores?

This. For External Use Only means something people.

Oh, hell no.

Mmmmmmmm, construction workers.

Ugh, I hate this guy. Every time I do a Google on Chris Evans - Captain America - this guy almost always shows up. Change your name dude, or just go away.