
Reminds me of this.

Who was the short-haired blonde? The one in the 1999 video with the chauffer's cap on? I think she was also in Purple Rain for a few scenes.

Uh, yeah. We want people voting, you don't want people voting. Problem solved!


He has ruined my love for The Green Mile.

I think all great shows suffer from a bad season at some point and time. But that’s a matter of speculation on the part of the fans. I hated Boardwalk Empire after Jimmy was gone, but the show did have some amazing story lines after his demise. GOT just needs a little bit of tweaking. And not much, as it has proven

“It's the people who are fucked. Not the Earth." George Carlin

Climate and weather are not the same thing. Is that right?

She looks like Big Ang. Not a very good metamorphosis.

My first bikini came from Victoria’s Secret. I don’t know what they did, but it fit so damn good and complimented even my weak parts, i.e. thighs. Also, I got more compliments at the pool when I wore that thing. Gonna miss their swimming stuff.

Now I WON'T stop crying. What an amazing tribute.

A kitten named Keanu. K E A N U. What's not to love?

I can't even right now. Crying, crying, crying.

Yeah, whatever. Still thinks Jackson belongs on the $20 bill. Fuck the fuck off, Trump.

Audio Slave >>>> Rage Against the Machine.

Fur does not look good on you, BeyBey.

I could never figure how he managed to keep his lips pursed throughout that entire show.

Why the hell is she talking so much lately anyway??? Please, Charlize, shut the hell up.