
Didn't she already kill somebody in a previous video? Whatever.

Yeah, good luck with that asshats!

Don't they have anything better to worry about? Ok, maybe not.

Brad ruined her. I remember when she first got Maddox; she was absolutely glowing with happiness. Married Pitt, became dreary.

AAA provides a detailed map with directions highlighted. It could not get any easier. And I have gone some places in the boonies that my GPS did not pick up at all. Or worse, sent me in the wrong direction. A map is irrefutable, for the most part.

Yeah, and Trump pretty much obliterated everything in his path Tuesday night. Seriously, New York, what the fuck?????

Woman scorned.

Trump had done everything but promise that all liberals will suck his dick if he wins the presidency. The first day!

And that Hendrix shirt. Any guy wearing a Hendrix shirt is automatically bumped to WOULD TILL I DIE status.

Christ, and it's only April!

I do. For some reason, I think it delays the agony.

Youtube Make Up Guru, I think.

When a music festival turns into a fashion show, then yes, its over. Never had this problem at Lollapalooza shows.

No. Love him.

What band were they watching? Guns & Roses? If so, I'm shipping this.

Kevin Smith was removed from a flight for being too fat. Why does this shock anybody?


Wish Hollywood and big businesses would start boycotting the states that push these law.

Holy fuck, who cares!

Whatever. I'm supporting anything that brings Siouxie to the masses as she well deserves it.