
Yep. Poorly shot, but the magic was still there.

Well, that's the dog way, dammit!

And the world needs more make-up. Sigh.

Guns in a crowded theater. Not a good idea.

He's a monster. Just like the Penn State coach. If anything good comes out of this, I do hope it will be that witnesses of these horrible crimes will do more than step back and ignore.

Guess he conveniently forgot about that rather large gay population in New Orleans. Perhaps they should have their Southern Decadence festival elsewhere this year.

Yeah, I fucking hate him. Just another Democrat In Name Only doing Republican work. Oh, and he also recently signed legislation into effect that will close all abortion clinics in Louisiana. It was one of his platforms he ran on during the election. Wonderful.

I always get a bit nauseous when I hear of my President watching all of that porny violent stuff.


You get a gold star.

This movie will be showing in my local movie theater this weekend. What the ever loving fuck? I certainly hope there is some kind of disclaimer attached to it.

This. Too many people getting shot in this goddamn city.

New Orleans has had its fair share of raging idiots, but this really takes the King Cake.

When The Boss speaks, people listen.

It's to spare a square. Remember?

Ricky and Lucy's spankings are legendary. Just the right amount of naughty before I head off to work.

Ugh. Fred was the worst. Would love to see him pull that shit on Alice Kramden.

Gee, maybe the reality of his waning popularity is starting to set in. And he's going to lose anyway. The nomination, the presidency, your choice.

What a horrible tragedy. My heart goes out to all First Nations, Native Americans and Aboriginals. We have got to fix this.