
Uh, yeah. You, along with the Native Americans were here first. Why they hell do YOU have to deport??????


I've got a Black Flag tattoo on my left shoulder blade that I still wear with the utmost of pride.

Sippie, sippie.

Uh, huh. She’s one of my faves. Not as vulgar, but amusing, nevertheless.

MAC Lipglass in Spite. The best!!

Uh, Paris, you might want to reel it in a bit.

For fuck's sake, unless there's a tornado blowing down my street, I really don't care to be blasted with a warning. And by then, it would probably be too late anyway.

I take great comfort in the fact that Rhianna will have nothing to do with him. Other than an occasional kiss on the cheek. But otherwise, his dating life is of no interest. Move along . . .

Isn't that the name of a Metallica album????

Yes, this has been a very bad weak for anything arousing.

The Sasha Grey version was horrible. Cannot see how this could possibly be any better. And black people are tired of slave movies . . . I'm fucking tired of hooker movies, umkay.

Bitch, go home already. We're done with you.

Or something by Journey. Fuckin' Jesus . . . I can't even.

How about the fighting Micks? Just to keep in step with the conversation.

Perhaps it will work if she doesn’t spend all of her screen time screaming like a banshee.

How about sending Gov. Pence a huge box of used tampons, napkins, etc. Let me know if this is a go because I would love to make a donation.

This, and let's not ignore the fact that he stated that while standing in NY. I want to hear this the next time he's standing in Texas.

I'm from Louisiana where subways only exist in the movies and tv. So I gotta ask, is there really an FU train???

Ugh. You just had to go there, didn't you.