Gee, when I went to school, we could wear rock t-shirts, jeans, basically anything we wanted to without any type of reprimand. We also never had cops body slamming us onto the ground. I thought all of these rigid rules implemented for students were suppose to keep them safer?
Good point. However, enslaved could have been used to describe the average housewife at that time. Slaves works best for me.
Shame that Ron Goldman's family was not bestowed with as much fame and fortune.
This is just too sad for words. Once again, you have a rich white boy asshat who does horrific things and gets away with it. Guess he'll get another tv show out of this nonsense. And I hope somebody starts a Petition to have him thrown out of this country.
How about, These People Were Slaves? How come I'm not seeing that on their stupid plaque???
Jules and Vincent?????
Can't think of a better place I'd love to be found dead.
By phone? Fucking pussy.
Yeah!!! Too bad nobody making under $100,000 a year will be able to reap its benefits.
Who wrote that? Certainly wasn't her.
I also have a right to get an abortion. So, fuck the fuck off.
Hang on while I send her a dozen roses. What a fucking champ!
Cersei would have already done this. Just sayin'.
Money always screams louder than words OR actions. And glad I have a Pay Pal account.
Wow. He couldn't even drop Harper Lee's name? Which seems to be the go-to female writer when this almost always occurs.
Regardless, his wife still loses.