
Yes. I think the creator was trying to mix his faves.

Margot Robbie is the blonde of the moment so guard your ass, Charlize. Plus, you've got talent, so chill.

Amen! But Jezebel is the Fox News of feminism. Anybody who thinks otherwise, is fooling themselves.

Once again, Lamar sums it up best.

A dog wearing a fur. Isn't this the same as if I wore a coat made out of a Kardashian?

Wendy O was the victim of sexual abuse, so yes to this theory.

Lamar nailed it.

God, how I miss the fuck out of George.

Raised by wolves????

She's a model. That's what models do. Walk down the street looking vacant and bored.

Gee, who didn't see that coming.

Being an old school horror fiend, most of my collection was on VHS. Sadly, I lost it all in Katrina. Keep in mind that a lot of classic horror gore stuff is not on DVD yet. And some of us actually enjoy the graininess of VHS. Evil Dead just doesn't cut it all shiny and new.


Madonna had Justify My Love. Way hotter.

Maybe she should read a book instead. *eyerolls*

I do that all the time. Keeps the toppings from slipping off. So, blow me.

Once again, this just fits the situation at hand.

Chewbacca went blonde????