
How sad to hear this. However, please PLEASE do not think we are all like that in the states.

Boardwalk Empire. Will never forgive them for killing off Jimmy and Angela. Fuck you, writers.

And there goes his campaign.

She's too hard looking .

What year is this? 1920? Why is the even being discussed? Utterly ridiculous.

She was around during the 80s when Trump was a rich asshat who showed off his money, yachts and casinos, and very little else. Just how the fuck did he get elevated to social conscious status is beyond me. And Hillary is hardly the lesser of two evils in this case. I’m a Bernie supporter, but will absolutely support

How is this any different than America's obsession with bronzing creams and tanning? There isn't a single time when I'm not bombarded with some ad telling me I've got to get some color on my pale face in order to look beautiful.

Good ole Cube.

No escape from reality. That's it.

Not even April 1. Good one!

No. But it does have porn stars. If that makes any sense.

I've never heard of this band. Is something wrong with me?

Good movie. Nothing special. And I actually enjoyed Ben as Batman. He did just fine.

Hell yes. I'm putting that one in the vault.

Does Aronofsky direct this show?


Yep. I just noticed that the other day and thought, "Well Jezzie certainly will jump on this."

He should be used to it. With Daredevil and all.

Please. He’s a pouty douche’. Not much else.