
These people are entirely too stupid for yoga. Move along.

Unless he’s speaking from experience, please shut the fuck up.

Tacky women dress tacky. End of discussion.

Good job, Brainiac.

Of course. Because now all of a sudden they actually give a shit?

Can't these assholes stay the fuck out of women's wombs?

That doesn't make me like them either.

The Kardashians are not know for their raging IQs.

Another rescue from a fucking fire???? Seriously???

The second one was horrible. HORRIBLE! Why in the world is there a third??

This is nothing short of heartbreaking. I love these characters and want to see them presented in the best way possible. Will still see this, but won't be rushing to the theaters.

Good. Bare tits have their place, just not on the streets of New York.

Leave wives out of this, assholes. That is all.


Wow. This is the first time I actually hearing about this. My blood is boiling right now.

Mayim Bialik, which is stunning considering how educated she is.

Wolf Kill


*raises hand* Me!!!

How nice of Kim to kill an entire species just to cover her ass. And good for Armani. More designers needs to follow.