
Kim actually has some how to make-up videos on Youtube that are pretty neat.

Listen to these idiots and deal with the consequences.

Guy Pearce? I will be watching.

Another gorgeous man who should keep his mouth shut.

She's got a new movie coming out with Dakota Fanning, and I'm guessing she'll be once again, playing the quirky black girl. Whatever.

Madonna. Just stop.

Good! Now maybe these diaper parties will become things of the past.

I adore their thermals. The ones with the colorful cuffs. Got a closet full of them. They also have huge flares, which is my own personal choice for style. I like the store because the cater to the extreme, in addition to subtle.

Love, LOVE this movie! Amanda and Channing are the cutest couple ever.

So happy to see some of that Leo shade getting thrown at him.

“You two are so disgustingly loving,”

Sounds revolting. And as long as white men in their mid 40s are writing most of what you see, this is what you're going to see. No thanks!

You ain't missing a thing.

Uh, the people who were here first. Don't forget them.

Jaws and Poltergeist were both rated PG. Just sayin'.

We’re here. We're queer. We don't want any more bears.

Gotta vote, people. That's all there is to it.

Isn't the One Direction guy dating a model? I'm sure she reads books all the time.

Food Orgy? Seth Rogan involved? Shocked, I am not.

Trump can have him.