Well, holy hell. Zendaya is freakin' gorgeous.
Well, holy hell. Zendaya is freakin' gorgeous.
God, I hope he wins Sunday night! I know he probably has a snow balls chance in hell, but he was so damn good in The Revenant. And every thing else he did last year.
Jeepers, Diane Lane really looks like Natalie Wood.
It still would have flopped regardless of who was cast
A fat lot is does now to come forward. Disgraceful human beings. All of them.
Precisely. Just what the ever loving fuck did they do that warranted an apology????
This. And don't forget he managed to shut down our government not too long ago.
Between this and the idiots who shot the puppy 17 times with a BB Gun, I'm kinda wishing death on all of mankind at this point.
Part of Edwards’ platform was the defund Planned Parenthood. Guess what? He did not get my vote. This is infuriating. If you're a goddamn democrat, how about acting like a democrat.
Edwards supports this too. Both parties are repugnant.
Yeah, whatever the fuck. If people in Louisiana keep putting these asshats in office, this is what happens. Right now, our current Blue Dog Dem Governor has already vowed to stop funding Planned Parenthood. Seriously? So who the hell do I vote for now, because clearly BOTH parties are fucked-up and stupid.
I'll bet that flag gets put back up again sometime this year.
Channing's from Bama. Nevermind.
She’s a white woman with a megaphone. Jezebel does not like that.
How do you "respectfully decline" a meeting with Obama? How about meeting and talking shit out? Idiot.
Yes, finally!
Seen it! Many, many times.
Bet he's a Trump fan.