Jesus Christ, can Scorsese do anything WITHOUT a fucking voice-over?
This and a hot bath worked for me. Obviously this cannot be accomplished at work, but I was never able to work or school with this pain.
Dude, just go to fucking med school.
Isn't everything he mentioned part of Hillary's plan?
Perhaps they’ve been listening to Guns & Roses:
52 Pickup. She was amazing in that too. Sad she didn’t have a better film career as she nailed pretty much everything she appeared in.
Can Scorsese do anything without having to explain it as it goes along? Are we that dumb?
Check out Party Monster. Should make you very happy!
If KISS isn't mentioned, I call bullshit on this entire series.
If your dumbass did any kind of sensible research, you'd know that Will Poulter is one of the most successful young actors in the business. But it's Jezebel, so no way.
So? We're not talking about Clinton or Arkansas.
Edwards is a Blue Dog.
He's a rotten pile of garbage. Trust me when I say most, if not all, Louisianians will not brake when they see this asshat cross the road.
Her and Mark Goldman. You obviously forgot something.
Yeah, but Kanye prefers her that way. Irrelevant whether it works or not.
So dressing flamboyant can lead to one's death? WTF kind of logic is this??
Saw The Revenant. Won't be seeing this.