
He was born in Canada. Cannot run for President in the US. End of discussion. His fan base is delusional.

Gotta go with Leo on this one.

She's probably going to win an Oscar soon, so there's that. Ugh.


If Jack had lived, Rose would not have had that heart-wrenching dream sequence at the end in which they are both reunited in eternity. Now excuse me while I go sob for an hour.

Too complicated. I can barely figure out the cork screw, much or less this.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go fuck yourself, Trump.

If they can’t do it right, don't even bother.

Oh, goody! Rita Ora and Amber Rose. Guess this must be the day when Jezebel overdoses on women nobody gives a shit about.

Holy crap, I was thinking the same thing!

Ding, ding, ding . . . the Vatican is in Italy. Is it safe to say that he’s probably learned Italian over the years? Being a world leader and all kind of stuff.

I heart this so much!

You are not crazy. They are straight up ugly.

Yeah, they are cute as all bugs, but I would have instant heart failure if I woke up with THAT on my chest.

Manifest Destiny????

Make crude joke about your sister fellating guys under the Boardwalk.

Pussy. Can't wait to see him square off against Putin.

It's LaVey.

Oh, whatever. I personally am tired of movies about the Wall Street Assholes. Black people should be happy not to be associated with these crappy films.