Kenickie and Rizzo's make-out scenes drove me right into puberty.
Kenickie and Rizzo's make-out scenes drove me right into puberty.
Kindly Google "Hurricane Traffic." If you dare.
Then end the death penalty, you fucking tools.
Yeah, but hurricanes. Signed, A New Orleans native.
It was an amazing scene and executed flawlessly.
And of course, black people never, never, never say anything racist right?
What the hell is going on with her face?
Please, somebody post a photo of the anti-choice bunch freezing in the snow.
I cannot help but loving this. He's just so . . . normal looking.
Why all the hate to Leo? He dates models, yeah, so what? Why is that a reason to hate on someone?
The Beastie Boys got away with a lot of shit like that too. Can you imagine if Kanye did the song Girls???
Well, there's always the Jenner girls.
She looks a bit like Keira Knightley. Wonder how that happened?
Yeah, and they've both just done tons and tons of things to rectify the situation, right? Come the fuck on . . .
Watch the documentary Cowspiracy. They stink up the air, crap up the land, eat up all the food that could be given to the poor and starving, and are generally the most destructive force on the planet. All because we wanna eat a burger.
Well, that was just gave me the feels. Thanks for posting!
This was standard procedure when I went to grade school, including college which also required me to be up to date on my vaccinations. What the hell happened?
Much or less a couple whose down with this.
Redacted documents should be illegal. That is all.