
WTF is a Chris Evans implant??? Explain, somebody.

And he's got a movie coming out this weekend? Who wouda thunk?

Holy crap . . . such wisdom in that.


This. Best description of Perry I've ever heard.

Sorry, but he'd lose if he brought her. Gizelle is the reason he lost for the Aviator you know.

No pics of Leo and Ri Ri kissing? I call bullshit.

Why isn’t this asshole sitting in jail?

Whatever. If Spike wasn’t pissed about something, it wouldn’t be the awards show. Also, Chi-Raq sucked.

Manifest Destiny Rocked!

Or how a white family invaded his home and told him to "Get the fuck out!" because . . . Manifest Destiny is/was a good thing!

Draping your kid in dead animals already?? Keep it classy!

The frozen version . . . gaaaaaaaaaaa!

Rolling Stone, which should raise flags anyway.

Once again Jezebel doesn’t disappoint with it’s mind-numbing stupidity. The Revenant had a racially diverse cast. And it deserved every single nomination.

They do get gross and smelly after about a week, so I stopped using them. But I never got the aforementioned blisters or rashes. I guess that's just a typical allergic reaction you could get from any lip balm.

I’ve been doing this for years, only to Milky Ways. Eat off the sides first, then eat off the bottom part with the nougat, and then you are left with the bestest piece of caramel in the world.

If this means another round of Caridee psoriasis commercials, I'm done.

Yes. My gyno gives me a referral for a mammogram, which is done at another facility. This is standard procedure and has been for ages now.