
New Orleans has a big-assed Andrew Jackson statue right in the middle of the French Quarter. Just sayin' . . .

Don't fret, Leo. We all have the same reaction.

This is precisely why I love Winnie-the-Pooh, and why Disney should be shot for having him in increments of only 2 minutes before this drek of a show.

Well, a Mexican just won a couple of Golden Globes. Let Trump simmer on that for a while.

Nobody notice the obvious gay vibe in that photo?

Should have done some research.

No surprises here. He's a complete douche'.


She should be draped in a Canadian flag.

Why didn't she just use the pics you all posted of the real women?

Not necessarily. Anything directed by Sofia Coppola, not to mention the Carrie remake, and a litany of other crappy films directed by women. What women need are more diverse and better written roles in films.

The clothes, THE CLOTHES!!!!!

It's done and over with. Can we move the fuck on already?

I just died from the cuteness overload. GOD, how I want to pinch those cheeks!

She also has Cherokee blood. So that's something.

This. Jail is the only cure for this problem. And lots and lots of years of it.

Shouldn't that be the Canadian border? Nevermind.

Another band that makes me grateful for Black Sabbath.

Wow. Epic revelation, Ms. Fiorina.