
How about providing a lifestyle where they can have kids and still afford to live comfortably? Really, is that too fucking much to ask?

Can’t blame Justin. Sheen is a fucking dick.

Bon Jour.

What, no Jordache commercials?

Yeah, yeah. Coming from states where people who work at Planned Parenthood have to wear flak jackets to work. Priorities, assholes!

You just had to put Beyoncé in there.

This sounds soooooo good. And I want Jason nude every episode for approximately 3 minutes.

Because, just because.

She gets attention for all the wrong reasons. Honestly, is she wasn’t with Depp now, would we even see her? I know the print media adores an endless list of vacant actresses, but seriously, she’s not even slightly memorable in anything she does.

Why does Mrs. Depp always look like she's stoned out of her mind?

And I guess the world is better off now, right? *shrugs*

She doth protest too much.

I’ve never understood the sanctity of Thanksgiving Day anyway. You can have a cozy meal with your family any day of the week at any time of the year. And believe it or not, some of us don't mind working the holidays anyway. Time and a half!

What an amazing story. Thanks so much for posting this.

I will see this. I like most of what Spike has put out there. And he’s no more overrated or overhyped than any other average idiot in Hollywood directing films. Paul Thomas Anderson comes to mind when I think of a hugely overrated film director.

Summer of Sam. Where does that rank?

Strangers on a Train will make you wretch it is so misogynist. I'm always amazed at what Hitchcock managed to get away with back in his glory days.

Oh, dear. That was simply perfect.

Boycott Starbucks? Good luck with that, asshole.

People who celebrate the Solstice should be the most offended, what with removing the snow flakes and all.