Or that Native Americans were once blonde-haired and blue-eyed until God punished them by making them dark skinned. Uh, WTF??
Or that Native Americans were once blonde-haired and blue-eyed until God punished them by making them dark skinned. Uh, WTF??
Sharon Stone was heckled during her opening monologue by gays who were pissed at Basic Instinct. Of course, none of this was heard while she was on camera. Apparently shit like this happens a lot on that show, the home audience just doesn’t get to see any of it.
Or crippled.
Yep. They were lined up at the New Orleans H & M too. And I would kill for that dress.
Ding, ding! Post of the week!
Hallmark Channel started a Christmas movie marathon on October 31 which will extend to Jan. 4, 2016. Kindly fuck off, Hallmark Channel.
How is this going to help sales when the ads never really helped sales in the first place?
Palin .2
Oh, hell yes! And the guy singing it is dead.
No fucks were given by Kate this day.
Scorsese, Aronofsky, Portman, etc. Very sad, indeed.
I love them all. Halloween is suppose to be scary and those costumes are pretty damn scary.
I worked in a haunted house for many years and it has left me completed desensitized to this kind of stuff. However, The Basement sounds like a completely mortifying and I would love to experience it. Bring it!
More babies = more labor.
Yes, but now she can watch that Brady Bunch episode and finally figure out how it's done.
No comment necessary. Kim always writes her own material.
There needs to be jail time. Maybe this shit wouldn’t be as common as it is if they got more than just a slap on the wrist.
Yes, but criminey, hacking your parents up with an axe? That's the sign of a madwoman, not a greedy wench.