If Adam Lambert gets any hotter . . . whoosh!
If Adam Lambert gets any hotter . . . whoosh!
I will not click on that link.
Aronofsky. Most of his films are horror anyway.
P.O.D. is still around? Ugh.
Leave it to a parking space to become a symbol of religious freedom.
Jesus would walk. Also, if most of the congregation rode bikes to church, clusterfuck would more than likely be avoided.
Clickbait overdose.
She’s also a fucking racist who supported the genocide of Native Americans and thought slavery was a bad thing only because black people had the nerve to get upset about it. Gee, imagine that.
The news about Lamar is devastating. He was so sweet and so cool on the Kardashians. One of the very few I actually enjoyed watching on a regular basis. Hope he makes it through this okay.
Whose the blonde chick I see in those skin rash medicine commercials? I guess that's making it.
I'm NOT going to miss that.
I’m still amazed at how you can win an Oscar in this business and still struggle to get paid properly. Mo'Nique too. How much more respect do you need to earn than that?
I’ll bet it was that unstoppable maniac who is rapidly approaching the million dollar mark. Dude is scary good.
He went back to the bow and arrows which also solidifies your opinion.
Fleanardo. Heh!
Philomena. I was kinda hoping that Ireland had evolved a bit since those terrible days. Apparently not.
Oooooooooo, evil, evil man.
Glad to see someone else still remembers that film.
This. I'm sad for him, but also glad that he's free baby making material again. Whoosh!
Dammit! I never follow people who actually have something fun to tweet.