
What, this again? Damon is a jerk. We got it the 50th time the story ran, umkay.

The more charming and funny he appears, the more people will defect to his side. American voters are kinda dumb that way.

Yes, his tears did melt my heart a bit.

They still have a team called Redskins. Just how sensitive are we suppose to believe these idiots really are anyway?

Yeah, and let's not even begin to list the litany of police officers who have kept their emotions in check as of late.

Yeah, yeah, he's an asshole who needs to keep quiet, but he's also an asshole who cast Pam Grier as the lead in one of his films. Name five film directors who would do that in this day and age. Male or female, it ain't gonna happen people. Tarantino may be a mouthy douchebag, but he is still an untouchable genius when

Okily dokily

I'd actually like him if he was photographed at a Danzig show. Which I was, Friday night.

Precisely. No different than calling black people Darkies.

Washington - Your - Team - Sucks - Like - A - Hoover

Horns up for that one! \m/

And make a video too? Ugh. The other cover/video was bad enough.

And it's a blonde horse! *eyeroll*

Negan? He's gotta be out there somewhere.

And No County for Old Men had Mexicans. Granted they all died, but they did have them.

Joshua Miller, the kid from River's Edge???? I am SOOOOOOO seeing this! Also, he was in JJ's Rhythm Nation video.

They made a western with no Indians. Why is this a surprise?

It pisses her off? Good!
