Good God, just kill me now.
Good God, just kill me now.
My fellow Italian Americans, please, PLEASE, let this Columbus thing go. We have so many more Italians to be proud of.
Despite the fact that her mom referred to the mountain as Denali many times. Fucking idiot.
And don’t come back!
“Seduced by her beauty and power . . . " Umkay.
Can't wait to see the televised commercials for this.
The Satanists win! That’s precisely what they were trying to do in the first place.
Anybody who goes from red to blonde is an idiot anyway. That is all.
Can Rhodes kindly take back their scholar?
If Blackburn has her way, I will have to buy a movie ticket for my unborn baby the next time I go to the show.
Yeah, it's funny to point out the stupidity of the issue, but it really isn't funny at all. What explanation do they have when they are asked this question? Seriously. How CAN you be pro-life and support guns and the death penalty? It makes not one ounce of ethereal sense. I mean just HOW???????
Treehouse of Horror. Yeah!!!
America has more violence than Europe if you count the Native American genocide and that little thing called slavery. So there!
Not necessary. When you execute a woman because she was raped, that’s just as bad on many levels.
It Follows and Cabin in the Woods? What is this fuckery?
Don't forget Maria Tallchief, Native American ballerina. Just as relevant.
For the millionth time, it looks wonderful.
SLAVES, SLAVES, SLAVES, SLAVES, SLAVES. They were SLAVES, people. Get it? Also, the Native Americans did not decimate the buffalo into near extinction. Yet another ridiculous piece of fictional history that has been floating around lately.