I grew up in Wyoming, I was friends with Matthew and I was at his funeral. The people we hung out with did drugs, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that those disgusting assholes murdered him because he was gay. I can unfortunately say that I knew one of them as well. And they were…
Good luck to you too! I'm very happy your uncles were able to do that, it's an amazing thing to be able to do.
That's exactly what my husband and I are doing. We're going to have one more. and once that child is a little older we are planning on adopting one or two. I would LOVE to be able to adopt siblings to keep them together, it's heartbreaking that they've been separated from their families already. I can't imagine…
I'm kind of surprised myself, first thing I bought for the nursery bookshelf was the complete Peter Rabbit series.
Her favorite DVD set to pull off the shelf is Buffy, though this has resulted in crayon marks all over Spike.
The mental institution one would have been a pretty epic way to end the series, but SOOOO frustrating. As it stands, it changed my whole view of the show.
As far as binge watching Buffy, I watched it three times while pregnant, and my daughter is now named Cordelia. Would have been Anya, but I was vetoed.
The Gentleman. I wish they'd take Pat Robinson.
I've had two kids and now weigh less then I did before. Breast feeding sucks all of your calories out of you, no pun intended. Then there's the fact that I don't freaking have time to eat and seem to be living off of toddler leftovers and cream in my coffee. I'm down to what I weighed in my early 20's, so I'm going to…
If someone did this in a school where my child was, I would match her salary every year for the rest of her life. It would be worth every penny, and still not enough for what she had given my family.
You know, I really could have just said that Granny is basically Lucille and hit it dead on. The only difference is she's a little nicer to her family, but only a little.
I came here to say that. My grandmother tells dirty jokes and gets drunk enough to tell me about the all men she knew wink wink before my grandfather. She also cusses up a storm in public, and she's a country club lady who lunches.
So I was going to post the theme song for Pepper Ann but my computer is going all weird today and it won't work. HOLY RED HEADED COW did I love that show! Netflix needs to get it's old Disney cartoon self together and have this.
It's funny, I was actually picturing upper class white ladies in the garden removing their friends Prada from another's face. I wouldn't be surprised with some of the people I know.
Clearly, she gave a gift that wasn't on the registry and not equal to or greater then the cost of having her at the party. The hostess had no other real choice.
I hate Pringles. But that grilled shrimp would tempt me.