Beatrix Potter

IKEA had a fantastic heavy wood cutting board that I got two years ago for $12. It looks far nicer then it's price implies, and I've managed to keep it in great condition with mineral oil. I had a fancy bamboo one before that that I never oiled and it cracked, warped, and eventually started growing black mold.

I make little fried cheese bowls to serve this in. It looks fancy, but is super easy. Plus, tasty.

I won't deny that she eats the squeeze packs, but I usually cut up whatever we have and let her eat what she wants of it. We did the same thing with our oldest, and her favorite foods are Korean and Ethiopian. We've gotten lucky that neither are picky.

I know they’re not going to get trashed off of what doesn't cook off, but one of them is only 10 months old and eats what we eat. In a few years I won’t worry about it, but she’s sill really little.


Is there a good substitute for the white wine in this? I love a great white wine sauce, but I cook for 2 small children and try to avoid alcohol in food.

My radiologist husband, who has spent around 5 years reading scans and ultrasounds, knows next to nothing about mammography. He doesn’t specialize in it, so he would refer someone to a mammographer if that’s what was needed. To expect an OB to not only correctly do the ultrasounds, but then interpret them, would be

When my husband and I had our first daughter we had a discussion about what we do if we were ever attacked while out with her. The agreement was that the one who had her and was able to get away as quickly as possible. I flat out told him in no uncertain terms that he was to leave me and get her to safety. And then

Regarding the Amazon Echo, the code ECHODEAL still works for another $50 off. I just opened a store card, so I got the $20 off in addition to the extra $50. I only paid $79.99 for it with the sale. Thanks!

Regarding the Amazon Echo, the code ECHODEAL still works for another $50 off. I just opened a store card, so I got

Edit: never mind. I just commented on the wrong post.

Edit: never mind. I just commented on the wrong post.

Complain away! Everyone has their experiences and someone else’s doesn’t lessen it! I’ve actually found a lot of my friends aren’t all that fond of pregnancy and are quietly relieved that they weren’t the only ones. Though I have one that loved it so much she's considering becoming a surrogate for others.

My first baby died at the end of my pregnancy, my second almost did as well, and my third had zero complications but I spent the entire 9.5 months vomiting every day. I fucking hate pregnancy for many reasons, and I am not shy of saying it. I love my girls dearly and would go through it again for them, but I was

I didn’t have cream cheese in the fridge, but I did have marscapone. I am happy to report that it is also pretty fantastic.

Can confirm, husband is Illuminati lizsword. 3 of the 4 years he spent in medical school is to learn their ways. Their secret oath is “I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability, this covenant: lie to all parents and and fill the children with slow-acting poison, ensuring wide spread cases of eczema and sudden food

I have two small children so my only method of cooking a chicken is to throw it in the slow cooker with veggies. I miss real cooking...

As someone who has a 3-year old who asks for beans and rice for lunch most days, I'll try anything that changes it up a bit.

Aww, but I like parades!

But the important question is WAS IT UPSIDE DOWN?

This is the fifth random comment I’ve read about Providence tonight. Is there a kinja user convention in my city and I just didn’t know?

I have a 3 year old and a 4 month old. I get a lot of food to go. If we have decided to eat out, it’s only when both my husband and I can be there, and usually only for lunch as we’re less likely to have meltdowns. The agreement is if one child starts to cry or loudly misbehave, one of us takes the offender outside to