Beatrix Potter

That was my first thought when I saw this post.

I moved from Seattle to Vermont, and there is nothing I miss more on a pizza night then Pagliaccis. Thanks to you I'm now crying into a mediocre pity pizza.

I've never enjoyed a gif more. Or found it more appropriate.

I started a garden this year. A rather large veggie garden. My feet are in dirt every day. I realized this year that I've stopped caring about pedicures and how my feet look, I have dirt under my toenails all the time and I really don't care. Nor do I have the luxury if the time to care. Baby, garden, work, yes.

My daughter is 10% for weight, 40% for height, NINETY % for head. So we have the same problem with shirts and may refer to her as Hamburgler as well. She has co-slept with us on top of my husband and I basically since she came home, this baby HATES her crib, much to my dismay. Because of that, she really has a very

The Amanda Bynes one is TERRIFYING! It's such a creepy creepy mash up and I can't stop looking at it.

I over produce milk and make about three times what my baby needs. I've been wanting to donate but there is NOTHING in my area. I feel terrible just throwing it away, but the local hospital has no interest, which seems silly with NICU babies that could really use it.

Not enough eyeliner.

This is my official "I'm too old for this" article.

What an odd study.

I wholly concur. Who the fuck cares?

There are no words.

Domo hates DOMA. Good for you Domo.

Domo hates DOMA. Good for you Domo.

Oh my god, 11 months later and I am constantly dizzy and everything is fuzzy. ALL THE TIME. I've forgotten what feeling normal is like...

she can't end up any worse then I was in high school, I set the bar pretty high for that.

I thought stuff like this was pretty silly before. Now? my 11 month old has outfits I wish I had. I'm obsessed. It's pathetic, but buying cute little outfits for her is so freaking fun. Those $50 Baby Gap dresses? She has too many and I know she'll ruin them and dammit, I just don't care. I just want that moment that


Every time I see your name I hear it in Andrews voice.

Aaaand I can't find it anywhere but ebay. I want the whole system, because that cover is ADORABLE, but it's already $70 more...