Beatrix Potter

....looks like I'm buying a new gaming system tomorrow. I can't wait until they finally make a new one for the wii.

No, but I'm tempted to buy a 3ds to play it, I have City Folk on the wii and I love it. Is it as fantastic and adorable as I imagine it would be?

THAT'S who she looks like! I couldn't figure it out, and compared to how she normally looks, I don't like it! Why do they feel the need to do this to her? It not only looks cheesy, but it's just insulting.

Either way, it's sad and I really hate watching all of this with her. It's one thing when someone is a spoiled, entitled brat and brings their own trouble on themselves, it's another when someone clearly is having some sort of mental break. :(

My new theory on Amanda Bynes is that she has multiple personalities and really truely thinks that someone else is impersonating her when really it's her other crazy half.


There are really so many things I like about this story!


It is pretty tangible proof...

Want weirder? I worked with a girl who's cousin had been a stripper for awhile. When she got pregnant she went back to the club she had worked at because she knew she would make twice as much.

I found it odd how much I got hit on while very clearly pregnant (and married). I didn't really understand it and thought it would be the one time I could just be ignored by skeezy guys. Alas...

The silent killer.


Thank you! I couldn't quite remember and was being to lazy to google it.

I like that what everyone decided to take from this is you don't like cars. Not, you know, the whole not fat shaming thing.

1. I thought "finger cheating" was something rather dirty and then went "oh, HOLDING HANDS! All right then, carry on."

Dear every university and college that seems to want to cover up, lie about and under report rapes, racism, etc.,

Which one?


The only thing I really worried about was that I was eating well and working out. This was helped by the fact that I only craved veggies and fruit. You can still drink caffeine, there are no proven risks to up to 7 16 oz cups a day, but if you're drinking that much you just have other problems. I now have a baby 10