Bearded Bastard

A "B-road" is a classification of a road that has less traffic density than an "A-road"

I'm just glad she didn't find any rampages nearby.

Now playing

Always looking for an excuse to post this and watch it again

"Have you ever been working on your car and stared down at the greasy bolts in your hand and felt smug and superior because you have the ability to store information and they don't?"

High CG + Why did you TURN?!?!? + High speed + Mid corner bump = Blame it on the Alcohol

Come on, mate... You're on Jalopnik and DON'T know what you'd do with a few million in lottery $$s? :)

"...and that's why you should always turn into the closest lane to you"

There are far more PC exclusives than console exclusives. You can obviously do whatever best suits you, I just think console gamers need to be aware that they are essentially being sold old, locked-down, PCs, as the "next-gen" gaming experience.

Because gloss black on matte black.

oh no you ho, you just did not put Winter in the same level as Summer. Winter shits all over Summer yo

Yep, they mentioned PC.

Ahem, two can play at that game:

The ps4 has a higher thread count.

Not on fucking craigslist.

I enjoy a good dick article.


Your name is Bearded Bastard.

You should know that driving a 2wd truck all year makes your beard grow faster.
If it has an open diff, you even grow balls from your chin.
If you have a 35 year old pair of bias ply firestone town and country tires on the rear, then your stare has the capacity to impregnate any mammal.

This article is bullshit. You are a member of the PC Master Race. You don't need to defend yourself from anyone, especially the console peons. You are right, you are good, you are perfect. Those that disagree (console vermin) merely demonstrate how unaware they are of their own inferiority. Ignore them like the worms

That sounds a whole lot more like bad tires and no weight in the back. I drive my RWD truck year round without a problem. I used to have to drive up and down a mountain all year in a 3/4 ton, never once turned on the 4wd. Is it nice to have? Sure. Is it necessary? If you need to drive in all weather conditions,

You're right.. Killzone isn't on PC. Lets forget the hundreds of games that are only on PC and we'll just call it a win for you. :D