Bearded Bastard

it doesnt violate coppa unless you know more info than we do. its entirely possible for him to be fully within his dotted t’s and crossed i’s to be submitting youtube and twitch content.

who says his parents dont monitor his activities?

if only that were so simple, while his reply exposed the flaw in my logic, my reply to him, was mistakenly sent to him and not you, so here it is

checking canadian legislation, 12 year olds can work, there are limited positions they can hold, but they can. so for canada- your argument is simply, you dont see streaming as a form of work, or you dont recognize it as work., i disagree, as if you make money from it, it can be your job.

and i bet you never used a fake age to sign yourself up to things when you were younger.

entertainment industry is a real job. also, the kid is fucking 12, he cant exactly go to mcdonalds and sign up. hes being productive at an age where its not expected, and hes at least TRYING to do something.

why one of the things is even a tring is of question.

why is a 12 year old streamer of note at all? is there something wrong with that?

it seems like this guy could get a real job contracting his work to game and software developers, with relative ease, i see no reason why any dev would see his work, and then not be willing to coproduce first party cinematic tools for their games/ works

they could have probably done more to expand the main plot over two seasons, and do way more world building and exploration and flesh out the meths and such.

he gets better. i dont like him either, but him being the way he is works pretty well for the show. without giving him too much credit, it feels like the rest of show is designed to flow around his poor acting instead of him being a better actor.

she really is incredibly attractive.

i didnt mind the fighting. it wasnt as flashy as some movies like the raid, but it seemed more plausible for most of them, the final sword fight was alright but kinda clowny.

whats even more bullshit is the bottomline there, about accessory DWELLING units not being considered a dwelling.

or at least you can see where people have been with half destroyed structures and such.

i made a reply to another poster too, action was not the correct word to use. i used it kind of unilaterally to convey not just fights, but encounters in general.

those are absolutely important, and maybe i should not have said action, or fights, but rather, other players in general. do i just run out and start shooting at anything and everything that moves? no, but the problem pubg has, is, while it expertly builds tension in the lack of “happenings”, it suffers from that for

the problem with the new map is that it simply isnt a good map. its fun, i enjoy it, but i think i only enjoy it because its different and offers variety.

i like the map, but only, i suspect, because its new. it really isnt a very good map, not for 100 players anyways. theres simply too much playable area, and not enough of it is useable space, adding more areas only dilutes drop zones, and makes the game feel emptier, even when you drop in hotspots.

i liked weather maps too, sad to see them go, but people were just dodging those servers anyways so, unless they implemented leavers penalties in the lobby theres nothing else to really be done.