Bearded Bastard

high v low wouldnt matter, they both lock the front and rear axles together. on the 4wd one, all wheels lock up at the same time because they cant move, regardless what output the rear brakes have, the drivetrain is stopping it. gearing doesnt affect that

to lock up the tire, there needs to be more friction on the pads than the ground, rears are weaker brakes, sometimes even drums, significantly weaker, so the tires can still roll. if it were pure ice, then they would bnoth have all fours locked up, BUT, because the 4wd system has the axles locked together, once one

of course, inside the lovely frame

its kind of one of those things where, i can call my kid an annoying shit or something to my wife or friends, when he is being one, or has recently been one, in jest. but you call my kids that to me, you cross a line, unless you are in my absolute inner circle.

its too bad the f150 doesnt as well. 1500 dodge has the smootheset half ton ride hands down.

important distinction here is you let him lead the conversation, you arent just asking how was your day, and letting him rattling everything off, you are asking something he thought about the day specifically.

i would agree with the assessment that being in 4wd makes the brakes lock sooner. in a truck, which uses a locking 4wd system, (usually) , when you slam the brakes, the rear wheels and the front wheels will lock up at the same time (forgiving a small amount of delay due to driveline slack). once the fronts or rears

some cock sucker in my city scooped up 4 of the evga liquid cooled 1080's, put them up on kijiji (canadian craigslist but better) for 1800 each, they retail in my city at a local pc part retailer for 900.

if this is how we treat people who are subject only to accusations, but are also making very public and vocalized motions towards a better future, whats the fucking point?

1- the stars surprised me too. i was going for a more facetious tone with it.

my comment is more on the “edge” take of it. its entirely possible this was worked through, they sorted their shit out, Guy seems like a generally straight up dude and people make mistakes. but remember, none of us really have any dog in this fight so its not exactly that pettish.

sao this was just a huge bit to gain attention and he didnt actually cheat on his wife.

the only thing i could think of in that case is the programming really screwing you over. if your trans is immediately downshifting when you let off the gas i would see if there were some setting you could do to change that, it really shouldnt be engine braking when you arent in haul mode, and even then, you dont

speed is probably a bit of a factor, but that seems too low for that difference., the limit on the route i took was either 100km or 110 km, which i adhered to for sake of best efficiency without pissing too many people off. 60 or 70 mph. i dont think that would account for significant difference.

i live in alberta, and roads are fairly level here, but even when im in the mountains im looking at around 22 or so mpg.

no. my highway mpg is nearly 30mpg. my city goes from 12-16 depending on what jobsites im on.

pretty much the only reason im lookingf forward to seeing its implementation. i want that hybrid powering me in the city, or when im on jobsites sitting around sweating/freezing my balls off.

its 22 combined. but that isnt a whole lot to write home about either. my 2015 ram currently gets about that as it is, but i also drive fairly conservatively as im paid per mile, and hour, so im not exactly speeding everywhere, and spend a fair time on the highway.

loud pipes save lives

some bars have actually been held accountable for over serving, but thats beside the point, the bar doesnt sit you in your car and say “go drive yourself home now”