Bearded Bastard

but thats what ive been trying to say. its not competitive, and the contents dont give any competitve edge clearly discernible by being purchased.

and i agree, we are not talking about cosmetics. these are items that do provide changes to your gameplay. but calling them pay to win, is just..... its making a mountain out of a molehill.

the problem is that it really isnt pay to win. there is no discernible advantage where you can look at a player and ever know they spent money or not. ive been playing my trial, and i have a ton of stuff from boxes ive earned that i either cant use yet because im too low a level, or need to spend in game shit on to

except not really because you still need to play the game to get to the point to even be able to use them, and buying them is simply replacement over completing mundane time sink challenges, so even when some whale does buy a billion crates, their effectiveness in game is indiscernible from anyone elses.

e speciallyu considering respawn took on some of the employees from visceral

depends where you are, as age of consent varies.

its kind of relevant if you make a video or assessment of yourself about how great and humble you are compared to the trash in the internet sea, to be revealed you are just the same as anyone else and nothing really special.

i honestly dont know why every player at this point isnt kneeling. white players included. show some of the brotherhood in your team, if your mates are kneeling, get down there too.

for total optimization., you cant complete it without having all the features you want in your game.

the game is beat? is there a typo or am i misunderstanding you?

the nice thing about computers is they are dead simple for the user. if your unit has trouble running the game, reduce some sliders, pick a different option.

they made the game more than playable. just not at their desired quality or fidelity if you will.

when you have a full development team, where each department has its individuals who work on the project, more money isnt going to make them work faster, or finish a task faster. the work is going to take as long as it takes. money doesnt suddenly solve where a bug came from, or optimize the game. money enables

if i can play the game, and run it at a certain frame rate, how does that mean nothing? graphics arent everything, and turning down the settings lets me play it on my laptop when im not at home, and means i dont need to lug my desktop to a friends all the time, i can just use the laptop.

try adjusting your settings to be a mix of medium and low. my one desktop has an r9 380, and it wasnt until i turned AA up to high, and textures to medium, and various settings down the line from low to medium, that it actually increased in settings. play with the settings, everyone on all very low doesnt mean its the

yeah i dont run the game at 1080p on my laptop. i run it at 1600x900 and reduce the screen scaling. the game still looks fine, i can still see and hit people as far out as running at 1080p on my desktop. its an adjustment that was needed. 1080p puts me around 40-50 frames. but, its unstable. reducing the resolution

you clearly have not actually read my comment. i not once, said I ran, or could run the game on anyting near max settings. i specifically said low and very low. which is where i am agreeing about the optimization of the game being garbage.

i poorly worded my comment. i’m not arguing that the optimization is fine, i am arguing against the claim the game looks bad. it looks fantastic, unfortunately not many people can even get it to look good because of its optimization.

i didnt argue against the optimization. i fully acknowledged it, im arguing that the game looks bad. when you put this shit on ultra, it looks fantastic. its just impossible to run on anything other than low/medium or youre hindering yourself competitively, and sacrificing sweet sweet FPS numbers. if you are able to

he was, absolutely, but since puubg came out its launched him higher than anything he played before. i just cant take him seriously, even for his persona, that he would actually uninstall the game. that bit was just a bit too far for him taking the moment to have a “serious thought” on the game.