Bearded Bastard

60+ consistent implies those drops dont happen. the only time my game on any of the units is below 60 is spawn island, and the drop plane. one im on the ground, its smooth from there.

it does, just impossible to run it that way unless you are extremely lucky

this point is a double edged sword. because while people blast ea games have been more than spurred by them before, pubg is one of the best examples of how ea games should be handled, and is also on track to be the only ea game of this nature to release within a year of launching. they shouuld know better due to

1-no dr, you arent even close to uninstalling your cash cow, dont fib.

if we allow glitches and bugs to be used to determine speed runs, then this should be perfectly acceptable as well

its not even reading the fine print. its pretty well known reverse engineering a companies product is illegal. especially in this purpose.

this isnt suing the cheaters, its suing the creators of the cheats.

this is very loosely how battleeye works

no, you dont even need to do any building or anything, and the game will only get better to fix some other things, like inventory management.

i think the art style alone is enough to keep a good number of people. i enjoy fortnite BR, but, its not the same. if bnlizzard makes a BR, its basically going to be based off their existing IP’s. which would be great, but again, art style, and tone will be so different from PUBG.

i think future soldier may be my favorite modern GR game. was so damn good

all servers do is take inputs and run simulations of the game that ensure the inputs are correct and work in the game. crossplay can be done extremely easy unless the two versions of the game are built on entirely different engines.

where’s the eternal one. uhhhhh eternal darkness. best game for the cube, hands down.

not staying in your lane or swerving around the road seems like a perfectly acceptable reason to stop someone to me.

i hoped i wouludnt see these idiots again.they took a purposely vague description in the traffic act, and tried to make only one definition out of it, and think it cant possibly have a greater meaning or definition, even when those definitions are spelled out in the first pages of the acts.

companies print money by being smart, having redundant staff on overhead is not smart.

the goal is to be last man standing. not top fragger. while kills should be rewarded more than they are now, because players should be rewarded for taking part in progressing the game, the goal remains to be, last man standing.

they fucked off and did real life things while their farm bots made internet money, which can be converted to real money.

as in another comment, i agree, a lets play absolutely falls under infringement, the video in question, is not a lets play.

yes, people are afraid they will lose their livelihood over developers having hissy fits and abusing DMCA systems.