
They should do an on-court suspension, where he has to just sit on the court and think about what he’s done.

This is exactly it. He says that “Yuck” with empathy. He really feels for these guys struggling. He knows what it is like. He gave me shit once for writing up a highlight describing a pitcher as lazily throwing to first. Like, “oh YOU think it was a lazy throw?” But he wasn’t even mean about that.

No need to get all red in the face, at least they relocated the family.

Racism? At an Indians game?

Can’t wait to see what this lil’ guys celebration is.

I’m not, really.

if I told you that Manny Ramirez had commissioned a portrait of himself as a centaur, you would say that’s awesome, and you know it.

Hell, if she wanted to be in a better place she could have driven 5 miles in any direction.


Trump: Dan, come over here and meet these young men from Chicago. You could always use more shooting, am I right?

There’s really nothing remarkable here. Lots of athletes take time out of their schedule to visit retarded children.

“Anyway, that’s what’s going on at the White House today.”

As do I. They were gonna lose Paul regardless, and ended up getting two useful players, something called a Dekker, and a 1st round pick out of it.

This will either be a fun pairing or a total disaster

Because you are Jim Dolan.

Typical Puig, not throwing it to the cut off man like he should.

A lot of us didn’t have to wait two months to know that.

The Pacers have been told by Paul George that he will not stay with them, and their GM publicly called it “a gut punch.” The team is not making a decision to “blow it up.” That have to trade George or get nothing for him.

My internal monologue says “While you’re here, feel free to rub one out,” literally every time I’m in any room by myself.

Definitely trying to age them out. Apparently the Bulls offered Butler for the #3 straight up and the Celtics said no. Damn.