
“We were expecting that touchdowns would successfully reframe the narrative away from rape and onto winning football games, which was working very well until that meddling Albert Breer showed up.” 

“We were expecting that touchdowns would successfully reframe the narrative away from rape and onto winning football games, which was working very well until that meddling Albert Breer showed up.” 

I have no problem with Belichick doing his whole “act” when it comes to questions about football strategy, game preparation, etc. But the issue around Antonio Brown is not about football, it’s one that raises questions about how seriously the team takes accusations of violent, sociopathic behavior by players.

Ohhhhhhhhkay, Buddy. Show me even one example of the New England Patriots investing multiple millions of guaranteed dollars in an unwell person who doesn’t trust anyone. I’ll wait. 

Fair enough. I didn’t realize Moncada had picked it up that much this year. And even if he does develop into an all-star, it’s hardly problematic to have traded him for Chris Sale. (Signing Sale to the long-term deal they gave him may be more problematic, but let’s see).  It was clear that that was a value-for-value

Assessing the Dombrowki era is not nearly this simple. I think it’s definitely the right move to let him go now, simply because one way or another, they’re going to be a really good offensive team for years to come. So what they need to do specifically to become a contender again is re-build the pitching staff

The Yankees will probably have the most wins in baseball (or right there) this year while getting absolute zero from their two largest contracts (Stanton and Ellsbury). The ‘17 Dodgers made the World Series with Carl Crawford, Adrian Gonzalez, Scott Kazmier, and Andre Ethier making $17 to $22 million EACH and not

Coot Veal just gave me the energy boost that my second cup of coffee failed to deliver. Hat tip to you.

Agree, good takes, but I might propose a reasonable tweak to the rule: If the catch involves falling into the dugout, call it an out, dead ball, and nobody advances. This would take into account that the dugout is a particularly tough hazard for a defensive player in an area of the field where nobody would normally

The fuck are we all doing commenting HERE when we could be providing Ross Douthat the data he’s looking for via Twitter DM?

Chicago Bulls, summer of 1998

“Shitty Asshole with Shitty Asshole in late morning light.”
Manhattan, 2019

I believe it’s a Jackson Brown.

I was permanently gray’d For that comment

Well we’re gonna have to see what happens with Captain Crunch. From what I’ve heard he’s done very good things, Captain is a very impressive rank, it’s a frankly one of the highest ranks anybody has ever seen, so we’re gonna see what happens. I could see him in a cabinet role, or one of the many other roles, but we’ll

Come on Drew. I deservedly feel like a dick giving this clarification, but I feel it’s still warranted. Yes, Molinari did go into the water on 12, but that one rolled in. The one he plopped into the water “like the flagstick was located there” was on 15.

I’m with you on the confusion. I don’t get how one characterizes a game one win at home as being “saved from being swept.” I also don’t get how a big game by a guy a who averaged 13 and 10 this year is characterized as “coming out of the woodwork.”

No. How was Adrian Peterson “1-2% less effective” after his ACL tear, when the season after his ACL tear was verifiably and demonstrably the most productive he ever was as an athlete?

Your claim that “Nobody comes back 100% after an ACL tear” is simply not valid.  Tom Brady is BETTER since his.  Kyrie Irving is BETTER since his.  Adrian Peterson was BETTER after his.