
Not so fast on “nobody’s the same after an ACL tear.” Kyrie Irving has not been limited. Tom Brady has had one the greatest NFL careers of all time even if you only count the portion that came AFTER his ACL year. Adrian Peterson rushed for 2,000 years a year after his ACL tear. Gronk came back full force after his.

My mistake.  I thought Embiid was listed 7'2 but you’re right.

Personally I think it looks like the top of Boban’s head is about two-plus feet higher than Horford’s there, and Marjanovic looks more than an inch taller than Embiid in person too

I was at this game last night and this flick over Horford happened right in front of me was pretty goddamn thrilling in person, I will tell you that.

What exactly is it that he did visually on the field that is not represented in his statistical record? Can you be more specific about this? Did he hit without a bat or something?

Ok but champagne in your stadium 3 times in 2 years thanks for the memories daddy!

This is the thing that this article misses: Boone did the right thing in keeping all his big arms on ice for tonight, which of course meant sitting through a total pounding for five innings.  This game was not a sign that the Yankee bullpen is eroding; they punted in the fourth inning.  

Very good points here, Doc.

College sports are the goddamn fucking worst.

Manfred is only human, you guys.  Can he really focus on every problem while handling the disaster of Mike Trout being the greatest player of all time and also a good person?

Dictors shall bore a hole in the right hand, and blood shall gush forth.

Yeah, certainly I think they don’t have to pay you if you simply hold out, and can probably fine you on top of it.  Also, do you get credit for a year of your contract if you sit out?  Like if you sit out the whole year, don’t you still owe the team a year?  (Hides under desk and prepares to get demolished by a salary

I’m not necessarily counter-arguing or trying to be confrontational, but asking legitemately, because I’m surprise to hear that claim: Why does DeRozan have a bad contract?

I love this joke, and I also love the fact that my six-year-old son would give this same response to that question with complete, utter seriousness.  

This is the most fair and correct take. 

I have in the past been offered as much as $163.00 to allow this to happen, but as a private citizen I don’t feel any obligation to share my final decision on the matter with you or anyone else.

Greg Hardy, Johnny Manziel, Aaron Hernandez, Kellen Winslow, Darren Sharper, Rae Carruth, Ray Rice, Darrell Russel...there really should be no more sport of football.

Isn’t “a tiny handful” the maximum amount of anything that Trump is able to handle?

In my advancing age, I’ve cut back on announcer criticism a great, great deal. I find ways to enjoy and respect most announcers.

Agree, this is a fascinating question. There will have to be nights when one of Tatum, Brown, or Hayward doesn’t start. Against New Orleans, for example. Anytime you need a true center.