
Sandoval is a very good example of how astonishingly unintelligent sports executives can be with multi-million dollar investments. If a trucking company had an applicant for a $30,000 a year job and that applicant had a plainly apparent drinking problem, the company would easily pass on him and go for someone else.

You can certainly hate it, but it’s not a McMansion. It was built in 1850! Maybe Churchill Downs is an homage to this house.

This is significantly worse than anything Sterling ever said.

If a ballplayer goes 5 for 5 with 4 homers and 10 runs batted in while wearing camouflage making it impossible for both the opposition and the crowd in attendance to see him did it really happen?

Athletes wearing branded apparel and saying a slogan in brief video clips, you say? I’m very sorry I’ve missed out on watching that, it sounds like a terrific way to spend time.

I mean, I want to say there might be some unresolved sexuality issues with this Spags character, based on his out-of-left-field expression of seething animosity toward the entire female gender. But that can’t possibly be it, because he went out of his way to choose the Twitter handle “Straight Spags.” I checked, and

I don’t blame PFTCommenter for getting that money, but I realllly wish he had gone to pretty much any other website besides Barstool.

lol ok, that is a very, very valid point

Headline correction: Hunter Strickland is not technically a minor leaguer.

He’ll probably get an award for actually using a turn signal in Florida.

+1 cocktail for you

What percentage of people masturbate for the last time realizing they are doing so?

“If the Ainge gets his shit together...”

I can’t believe we have to re-litigate this, but the 13th Amendment outlawed owning ANYBODY.

In Atlanta they call that ‘the bottom of the first’.

Very empathetic of her to offer the Marlin fanbase a way to overcome its traumatic recent history with motorboating.

This is fucking horrible.

Then they had to explain that the suspension had nothing to do with a big ol’ dildo.

Because after he “worked his dick off,” Rohan picked it up off the ground and started sucking on it.

“What has he really done to draw so much ire besides be outwardly Christian?”