
I know that MLB would never admit it publicly even if it were the case, but I’ve always felt like the Rays (and while we’re at it, the Lightning) were never intended to be, like, actual teams, but more a chance for Northern snowbirds to get to see their old teams again (and also keep pumping money into the system).

Had to stay home from work today since the kiddo is sick, is there any vomit more sad than a 3 year old who has to uncontrollably vomit every couple hours and asks why this is happening to him?

KKK baseball team? Seems like they’re pretty cocky about their pitching staff.

Throwback Day: it’s not just for uniforms anymore.  

There are those who will read this and think “Why, yes, I do want this con man to head our country, because we’ll be the beneficiaries of his grifts and swindles” without realizing that they’re the ones being swindled.

Man, when you’ve got the NCAA saying it won’t do business with you on account of your morality, you’ve really hit rock bottom.

I would like to correct my previous post. You are DEFINITELY the dumbest motherfucker I have ever seen online.

The problem:

Without universal love and, therefore, tolerance, no one is practicing religion, thus the vast majority of organized religions are simply power structures to enforce their superiority over others, being that that’s where the money (and the hypocrisy) is.

One thing that seems to me a little bit different in Kaepernick’s case from the others you mention: Ali, Smith, and Carlos, I think, all knew their acts of protest would bring tremendous pressure down on their shoulders. That was the point. They knew that taking that heat would be the thing that changed the

I completely want Kaepernick’s protest to turn into a movement that makes some kind of a difference, even if it’s just .001% in a positive direction. I believe in protest and I take him at his word that his intentions are pure. But he’s in way over his head here. I applaud him for facing the media and speaking for so

When did Kevin James get a neck?

Wow, what impresses me here is the timestamp. You came up with that immediately.

Holy crap, that is what I call cherry picking your data. I’m a pediatric orthopaedist, so I speak from a point of knowledge here.

I’m guessing it was Neifi Perez, who was suspended and whose career basically ended in 2007...I’m guessing the star was Gary Sheffield, Ivan Rodriguez, or Magglio Ordonez - all of whom were known to maybe dabble with PEDs.

Why are Brazilian authorities pursuing this? As far as I know, the alleged victims haven’t accused anyone or sought any relief from the Brazilian justice system, so I don’t understand the course this is taking unless they’re investigating something else.

I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.

“I didn’t put it in front of winning, but I think we all have things that we have to do. There has to be a line somewhere, and that’s what ended up happening.”

Keeping the tradition of needlessly cutting clothes.