
Jesus Christ. That’s not what the guy said. He said he was “astonishingly well-read,” not that it was “astonishing that he was well-read.” There is a difference. One is describing how well-read he is. The other is expressing surprise at the fact that he is well-read. It was a perfectly innocuous, complimentary comment

How many public figures from the world of sports do you know who can prompt this kind of discussion? If Curt fucking Schilling can attract attention and debate with his inane Twitter bullshit, why not Kareem?

Seems pretty clear to me that he must have felt his life was being threatened by the trash can, so he did what any of us would have done in that situation: He protected his family. He cannot and should not be charged with any crime.

I starred the fuck out of this comment because, while predictable, it's funny because your boy Jerry Jones is so PREDICTABLY FUCKING STUPID!!!!!

If someone breaks into my house, I should have every right to shoot and kill, without having to think it over.

Beat it, nerd!

Oh, was he not actually suggesting that they should be killed?

Seems harsh to suggest that they should be killed.

And so another relic of the NBA’s unwatchable iso-ball era passes into memory. Kobe will always have his legacy slightly tarnished by the era in which he played so many of his games.

Meanwhile, Tim Duncan.

For a UGA alum, though, that’s pretty good.

“Whoa, easy coach! That’s not your wife.”

The team was secretly purchased by Yoko Ono over the summer.

Byron Scott is still being stupid about D’Angelo Russell

We’ll see if Kershaw is a true Dodger once the media starts questioning him about this issue.


Commentator: “Cam’s like a kid out there. He’s a gunslinger”

I redirected her attention to the cheerleaders and mascot.

Sounds like the kid has a future in the league office