
That sounds fucking vile. You want me to combine my entire diet into a single mixed drink? What am I, a fucking barbarian?

This is a good issue you have with balks. My main problem with balks is that we know goddamn well that EVERY lefthanded pitcher’s pickoff move is inherently an attempt to deceive the baserunner, and yet the vast majority of the time it is not called a balk. This is a very dumb baseball thing.

Hot take: outside of a six-year stretch of incredible greatness roughly 20 years ago, the New York Yankees of my lifetime have not been a particularly special organization.

Commercialism is quite literally our only shared value here in the United States, Jim. It’s the only thing the United States is really about. That’s why so many attempts by commoners to influence things now connect back to advertising and consumer products. That’s all we are as a culture.

A.C. Green’s Virginity has been lost for a while, to be honest.

The reason I’m struggling with this joke is because it hinges on you saying you almost punched a woman.

What you mean? Paterno stood in front of the world and said, “I never heard of rape and and a man.” This wasn’t good enough for you? Tough crowd.

I don’t think it’s actually that unreasonable to suggest that nobody should have anything to do with any form of college fottball as long as Penn State is allowed to participate.

I can’t disclose how or why I know this, but I have it on reasonably good authority that Kruk kept his amputated testicle in a small jar in his locker and would take it out and chew on it during rain delays.

Well, duhhhh. The greatest quarterback in the history of the team was named Bernie Shitface, so that ought to tell you something.

“No they were saying ‘whydoessterlingdostantonshomeruncallinitalianwhenstantonisactuallyBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOuerrrrrtoricannnnn???????’”

Thank you for being the individual with the fucking balls to finally stand up and point out—thanks to your work trip—that Manhattan is a better destination for young, rich, famous people (and, incidentally, all other people) than St. Louis.

I think the research about bunting being useless is mainly about SACRIFICE bunting being useless; that is is mainly around the idea that it’s not good strategy to give away a free out in order to put a runner in scoring position.

Well the win expectancy in that situation would be 0.0% if nobody ever fouled and kept trying to win.

As a big-time coach, you make a great living at what you do based on public interest. You know you have to answer questions based on what happened in the game, and you have to do it after EVERY game, ever, for your whole career.

“And like I once said to Coach Wooden’s golden retriever, Tuck: You never know what gets you there until it rains.”

Fair. Fair exception.

I bet you also like Sunny Delight, dont you? You ape.

You are a true Doctor of commenting, sir. Do no harm? Fuck that. Harm everyone, Doctor. Harm them all.

This is the dumbest opinion. What does, “letting his beliefs be” even mean? The poster said he doesn’t like Arrieta because of his support for Trump. He didn’t say “Arrieta shouldn’t be allowed to play baseball or earn a living because of his support for Trump.” He doesn’t say Arrieta should be sanctioned by the