
Well, it can be difficult for people to feel good about blatant assholes, and honestly if you are anything other than completely disgusted by Donald Trump and those that follow him, then you are a blatant asshole.

I only read to the end of this post to ensure that the Cassowary was mentioned.

It was mentioned.

They said health/injuries had nothing to do with the decision.

Frankly, its probably as simple as BB doesn’t think Butler is anywhere near as good as everyone else thinks he is.

He has not been getting away with colossal fuckups for 20 years now. He has been getting away with decision-making that runs counter to popular wisdom, and the reason he has built that store of political capital is you see that over time, his decision making leads to great success, and, most importantly, has almost

No, the organization is BAD and really weird. I mean I root for them too, but they are bad. They’ve had two cheating scandals and gave a $40 million contract to a serial killer. They are always willing to be every bit as bad as they need to be. They are bad.

They gave up 18.5 points/game with Butler playing 98% of the snaps, and gave up 41 with him playing none of the snaps.

Nobody has elevated Butler to “Revis in his prime” and that is a bullshit charicature of what is being said. The point is NOT that Butler is so good he would have drastically altered the whole complexion of the game. The point is that the game was so close and the Patriots defense was so bad that even a very marginal

Of course he’s always been that guy. He’s also never visibly and immediately fucked up an opportunity so badly with one of his moves as he did with this one, so that’s why I’m not reacting with the typical “I guess he knows what he’s doing” shrug. He did NOT know what he was doing here.

If that turns out to be the actual situation with Malcolm Butler, I will take back everything and admit that the only proper thing to do was keep him off the field.

There is no football logic behind getting to the Super Bowl and eliminating the player who played the most defensive snaps for the entire season is is your best defensive back.

It’s also fair to point out that Brady and Belichick have completely different assignments, and it takes BOTH of them being incredibly great at what they do to create what is now far and away the greatest run of excellence in league history. You can probably point to periods where Belichick’s overall excellence has

Yes, any one of those things would have swung the game. But those were all misfires that happened in the course of players and coaches doing their absolute, good-faith best to win the game. They were mistakes that sucked, and affected the outcome, but they are the kinds of mistakes that happen in every single game.

You would take the aging QB over the coach because you’re very concerned about the way your coach just gave away a Super Bowl for reasons that had nothing to do with football and were not in any way more important than his task of winning the Super Bowl; while at the same time you have no reason to doubt, ever, your

Get that fucking shit out of here, dummy. They’re both the very best ever at their professions. This shit is about as valuable as me saying Tom Brady is winless in his NFL career in games not coached by Bill Belichick.

Well I guess in that case, since the only mistakes you are willing to acknowledge are ones that players make on the field between the lines, coaches are not capable of making mistakes that affect a game and should not be blamed for anything.

I believe the Patriots have to treat every season for the foreseeable future as their last opportunity to win a Super Bowl, and I absolutely guarantee you Tom Brady sees it that way.

Yes, the defense barely made a single play the entire game. They needed ONE or TWO reasonable plays to swing the outcome, and they had a player standing on the sidelines for four fucking hours who is one of their most capable DEFENSIVE FUCKING PLAYMAKERS, you goddamn dolt!

Of course nobody can say definitively that they would have won the game with Butler on the field. But the fact that they played SO BADLY on defense and were still literally inches from winning the game says that any improvement Butler could have offered, no matter how marginal, reasonably could have swung the outcome;

This is dumb and not accurate. It has not always been Brady. Belichick is the best all-time at his profession. Belichick ALSO makes a lot of personnel moves that are counter to popular wisdom and doesn’t bother to explain them. When he wins the Super Bowl or continues to acheive at a high level despite the unexplained