
I dunno, 30's kind of old. The "late autumn" or "winter" of one's career, if one is lucky. The old Indiana Jones quote about mileage comes to mind. However, this argument that he gets fucking paid for PR purposes is pretty funny.

Nice dance moves! Will he give me some tips? Oh wait, he doesn't do that.

Classy. Also, since management fixed the line, quite inaccurate.

I find it easier to just buy the band. Like, the actual band. Just don't feed them after midnight or get them wet, or they turn into country music.

This classic move is known as the "OB/GeeWhyNot?"

Buffalo: Toronto's Juarez.

"Not if they're dead from the nuts first, smart guy! Our plan is foolproof!" —Tesco

Be their or be squeir.

Well, maybe this will change Dan Snyder's mind, because I'm pretty sure any vendor on Etsy could make him a nicer stadium than FedEx Field.

If we allow this, the Skins will be terrible! Like RG3, this cannot slide.

If there's a lesson in all this, it's that if you ever do something terrible while on the Ravens, you should change your first name to "Ray".

Calling Roger Gooddell and John Harbaugh a woman and child, respectively, is sexist and ageist.

1a. I don't care why states or municipalities do it in practice, or what benefits they derive from the revenue. At issue is whether it will change behavior. If it augments budgets, so what?

Bad enough he had to throw to Ochocinco for a year; did he really have to take marriage advice from him?

Or, I dunno, buy some Nicorette. And you clearly don't understand that Pigouvian taxes are designed to change behavior (hence the latter part of my post!). For instance, if we levied a tax on Velcro, it would make it significantly more expensive for you, in particular, to buy shoes, and therefore you would have to

Team Excise Tax. I'd like to add, somewhat tangentally, that I've never really sympathized with the criticism that sin taxes are regressive. So what? We aren't talking about taxing food staples. If your excise tax is just causing poor people to spend more of their dear incomes rather than compelling them to find

To be fair, the destruction of jobs resulting from such disruptive technology, which are owned by a select few rent-seeking capitalists, will lead to hunger-motivated mob violence and riots. Those aren't that boring.

In retrospect, they probably shouldn't have included Roethles Burger as a menu option.

My tolerance for free speech basically ends at people finding Seth MacFarlane funny. Also, habeas corpus. If you laugh at Family Guy, you should be summarily sent to Good Taste Prision without trial.

The reason the advice was boring is because the columnist didn't follow up by stating, "Your behavior makes you a bad person."