
I have a really old laptop, this would be nice to put on it, but apparently it (Chromium) doesn't work well with non partner laptops. :(

There are some serious Debbie downers in this thread, this is a great day for humanity and if they can dock with the ISS it's even better. We're going back to space, there's no negatives in more science/dreams/exploring etc.

You don't need a case when you have lawyers on retainer. The cost for this kids' family to fight them in court would be enough to crush them financially and Apple knows it.

I've had no cable for a few years now and I rarely use Hulu. Almost anything on it, is free OTA, everything else that you want probably isn't on there anyway.

This movie looks fun. I'm excited for the movies this summer.

The guy is on point.

Call me crazy but I think there are some good choices on this list. I think Justin Long would have been pretty good...I'm surprised you didn't mention JGL though...

Long time iPhone user who recently switched to Android. The phones are great, they're faster, great looking, etc. The Apps are weak, they look like crap.





exactly what I wanted to post. Who cares about KLP when we have no idea when we'll get ICS.

Just updated to SGSII and I kept my unlimited.

So sick of SSD deals with MIRs attached. Missed out on a great one yesterday w/o MIR.

now thats a trailer

I really need/want to know the status of WMC and or its replacement. I need it for the TV recording/live TV aspect.

I felt the same as you until a month or so ago when transmission was acting funny and I gave uTorrent a try again.


I use uTorrent on my Mac now too. It's really improved, way better than transmission now.