
Oh yeah I remember that nonsense, that sucks...I myself jumped to Android too, bored as hell with the iPhone.

very seldom are iPhones actually bricked, unless your iTunes error message is hardware related I bet there's life in there. If it is hardware related, a lot of times the pins come disconnected which take literally the time it takes to open the phone to fix.

It's not his best work IMO, but a damn fine movie.


Am I the only one who's completely done with the never ending Apple hype machine? Holy shit I could give a F****. They're going to give it a better screen and Siri and we're all going to go nuts?

Preorder guy right here. I take a lot of notes yet I hate carrying my laptop around, and I'm uncomfortable pulling an iPad out and using it for notes in meetings; everyone asks about if work provided it, how is it, etc. I want something slightly more discrete. I also suffer from Banana hands, so this thing should be

Sooooooo bored with Apple products color schemes. Hey you're every car in the world. Has Apple patented silverish yet?

Besides the last few minutes, this was IMO another boring episode.

solid, that's what I thought...thanks

Sorry but I suck at these things, where is it?

His cover of Daniel Johnstons' 'True Love Will Find You In The End' is incredible.

Oh yeah you're right Obama is the one who started the war on Science. How about thanks to all of the people who shunned Science because their cult leader....err...religious leader told them it was in direct conflict with the teaching of some book.

Sorry but if it isn't science why are we talking about it?

After watching Fraggle Rock with my kids, I'm pretty sure the rumors about Henson being a Communist were true...still a great show.

Completely agree with the article. I wish more phones had bumpers like the iPhone (I know they won't fit on my designs) because I felt that was the only case that didn't take away from the design.

1. I NEED HI RES!!!!!

no not in conjunction with Boxee...just a PC. I, myself as a long time cable cutter find Boxee utterly useless, I just never felt it did a good job of finding all of my media especially over a I use XBOXes around the house to get media from my PC/Server so Boxee doesn't really help me

This is exactly what I do with Comcast, I push that line into my PC which uses WMC as a DVR.

If you have a PC, you can use WMC as your DVR.

If you're getting Cable internet, you can split the wire going into your modem and redirect the second line into your TV or PC. Free HD.